Quality Mantra Mandala
About Our Thangka :
We have had this Thangka in our collection for over 20 years now. Our thangka was stored away for several years. We were thrilled to discover the quality and depth of these beautiful thangkas when we unveiled them and decided to showcase them online for everyone.
Introduction to MandalaMantras belong to the Buddhist classification of dharani. It is a collection of syllables recited for the benefit of oneself and all the sentient beings. The meaning of mantra is ‘man’ mind, ‘tra’ to protect - to protect the mind. Mantras are verbal formulas used by Buddhists to protect the mind from distraction and unwholesomeness.
Mantras can also be classified as wisdom ,protective, healing, and memory enhancing. For healing and mental health issues mantras can also be edible. Written on rice paper or extremely thin edible Tibetan paper with consumable dye or ink the mantras are often created with wood block print stamps or hand written at times.
A mandala depicts in two-dimensional form the three-dimensional space inhabited by the deity. The bird’s-eye-view centralizes the main deity within concentric squares, circles and borders of his associated lineage and related figures, arranged in order of importance .
Mantra is recited to Enhance ones level of Concentration which helps to Check your mental thoughts . Our thoughts and Actions leads to Good or Bad Karma. By Reciting Mantras you Gain Merits which helps you have a Joyful Life .
Size: 18"/ 46 cm (width) x 18"/ 46 cm (height)
Materials: Cotton Canvas, Acrylic Colors, Genuine 24K Gold
How does Thangka help us?
Historically used as a teaching aid, thangkas are used as a meditation tool to help bring one further down the path to enlightenment. Devotional images act as the centerpiece during a ritual or ceremony and are often used as mediums through which one can offer prayers or make requests