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It depends on the creator and the product. All options are outlined on the product page, so look out for customization options there.

• Preserve the ritual item in the glass cabinet while not in use.

• The ritual item should be placed in a dry, dust-free environment.

• Ritual items are best kept indoors, away from direct sunlight, and at room temperature.

• In case of any damages and repair, we highly recommend you seek help from an expert or please get in touch with us.

• Place them at room temperature, avoiding direct sunlight.

• Make sure that the area where your statue is placed is completely free of moisture and dust.

• Place it at the highest place on your altar after being consecrated by Lama/monks. The best practice is to keep them covered inside a glass cabinet.

• Do not use your bare hands or any objects with a rough surface to wipe the face. Directly touching with the bare hands objects can smudge the face,
leaving scratches.

• In case of any damages and repair, we highly recommend you seek help from an expert or please get in touch with us.

•Hang the thangka in a traditional silk brocade.

•Keep thangkas covered when they are on display but not in use.

•Rotate thangkas between display and storage regularly, two to four times a year, to reduce the amount of exposure to light. Keep away from sunlight and

•Do not apply liquids or other materials to the surface of the thangka.

• In case of any damages and repair, we highly recommend you seek help from an expert or please get in touch with us.
