Gold Plated Mandala Set | Rice Offering Set | Buddhist Ritual Items

SKU: 129TKMandala


Mandala Set, Gold Plated Ritual Items

Our mandala set is a completely goldplated set, hand-carved with all the auspicious symbols. The top of the mandala is visualized as a mirror that represents consciousness and the elements of space.

A mandala is a symbol of the universe in its ideal form, and its creation signifies the transformation of a universe of suffering into one of joy. It can also be used as an aid to meditation, helping the meditator to envision how to achieve the perfect self. The Mandala is a representation of the universe. Each layer is filled with offerings until the multi-layered mandala is filled with coins, beads, jewels, or rice. The 'universe' is then offered over the head to show you would give the entirety of existence to help others attain enlightenment. Offering a Mandala to the Buddhas as a symbol of offering the universe and all that is contained within it is one of the essential practices in Buddhism.


Diameter: 12.5cm/31"
Weight: 1.12 (approximately)
Material: Oxidized Copper Body, Gold Plated
