Chakrasamvara Statue With Consort Vajravarahi
This hand-carved beautiful Chakrasamvara in Union statue with Vajravarahi is depicted with four heads and twelve arms. His three eyes symbolize the knowledge of the past, present, and future. His hands are crossed in the embracing mudra, and the vajra and bell, which represent united happiness and nothingness, are held in his hands. Along with his first two arms, embrace with vajravarahi passionately. Charasamvara is also known as Heruka.Chakrasamvara's right leg is extended and stands on the back of wrathful Ishvara's worldly deity (also known as Bhairava). In contrast, his left leg is bent and tramples on the breast of Bhairava's consort, the goddess Kalarati. This stance symbolizes the ability of Chakrasamvara to overcome the forces of ignorant hatred and desirous attachment, respectively.
Size: 18 cm(Height) and 16 cm(Base)
Weight: 0.784 kg