Buddhist Prayer Wheel
About The Buddhist Prayer Wheel
Buddhist Prayer Wheels, according to lineage traditions, are used to gain wisdom and merit (positive karma) and to cleanse negativities (bad karma). Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism have established a range of skill techniques to help practitioners go closer to enlightenment. The concept of spinning mantras is related to several Tantric techniques in which the Tantric practitioner visualizes mantras whirling around the nadis, particularly the main chakras of the heart and head. As a result, prayer wheels serve as a visual assistance in improving one's capacity for Tantric imagination.
How does Buddhist Prayer Wheel benefit us?
The benefits associated with rotating the wheel are numerous. It not only promotes knowledge, compassion, and bodhicitta in the practitioner, but it also improves siddhis (spiritual powers such as clairvoyance, precognition, etc.). The practitioner can repeat the mantra as many times as possible while the wheel is rolling, maintaining a calm, meditative attitude. A Tibetan Buddhist tradition holds that at the completion of a practice session, one should dedicate any acquired merits to the benefit of all sentient beings. Then three times Om Ah Hum. This is usually among Tibetans after finishing any Buddhist practice, including prayer wheel exercise.
Size: 56 cm(Height) and 10 cm(Base)
Weight: 0.538 kg
Material: Copper Body, Sliver Plated, Gold Plated