Yidam Kalachakra Thangka | His Consort Vishvamata | Handpainted Wall Decoration

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Size: 76cm x 50cm

Yidam Kalachakra , Himalayan Buddhist Art

About Our Thangka :

This Thangka was completed on October of 2020 after 4 months of intense work by artist Mr. Ajay Lama. This thangka is done is traditional Menri Style, which is a major painting sytle of Tibet. It presents all the attributes for your meditation Practice.

Introduction To Yidam Kalachakra :

Kalachakra has four faces and two legs. His front face is blue with bare fangs symbolizing anger , his right face is red embodying attachment, his left is white symbolizing peaceful state and his rear is yellow symbolizing calm abiding. Each face has three eyes. He is adorned with many jewel ornaments, such as earrings, bracelets, necklace, crown, bangles and anklets and so on. He wears a tiger skin. Of his 24 arms, 12 arms are on each side. The first four arms are black , the middle red and the last four arms are white.

The first of the black arms embraces the consort and wields a vajra ; the second, a sword, the third, a trident, and the fourth, a cleaver. The first of the right red hands holds a flaming arrow, the second, a long handled vajra hook, the third, a Damaru, and the fourth, a hammer. The first right white hand holds a wheel, the second a sword, the third a jeweled stick, and the fourth axe.

The first of the left black hands holds a bell, the second a shield, the third a Khatvanga, and the fourth a kapala. The first of the left red hands holds a bow, the second a lasso, the third a precious jewel, and the fourth a white lotus. The first of left white hands holds a white conch, the second a mirror, the third iron chain, and the fourth the head of the deity Brahma by the hair. Kalachakra has only two legs: The right one is red and the left one is white symbolizing the right energy channel containing blood and left energy channel containing white bodhicitta.

The consort of Kalchakra is called Vishvamata. She is in pratyalidha attitude. She is yellow and has four faces, each of which has three eyes. The other three faces are white, black and red. She has eight arms, four on each side. Her first right hand embraces Kalachakra, her second wields a vajra hook, her third a damaru, and her fourth a rosary. The first of her left hands embraces Kalachakra and holds a Kapali filled with blood, the second wields a lasso, the third a lotus and the fourth a precious jewel. The consort wears a crown and is adorned with five ornaments. She is union with the deity Kalchakra which symbolizes union of wisdom and compassion.

Kalachakra is not only a deity but a teaching, a tantra. It has it’s own mandala, it’s own text, it’s mantras, prayers, meditation practices, ritual practices, ritual dances, and a long and colorful history. It is through the integration of its many components that one is able to realize and experience the mind of Kalachakra. The more deeply one practices it, the more expansive and profound is its results.
Size: 20"/50cm (width) x 30"/76 cm (height)
Materials: Cotton Canvas, Genuine 24K Gold, Mineral Pigment Colors



Why should thangka be kept away from mold?

A humid room without air circulation is the perfect environment for mold growth. If a thangka in such a room becomes damp or wet, mold will grow on it. This growth can badly damage the cloth, the pigment, and the binder. Molds form a fuzzy coating on the thangka. 
