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Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Ceremonial Ewer | Beautiful Home Decor Item

Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Ceremonial Ewer | Beautiful Home Decor Item


Regular price $595.00 USD
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Authentic Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Ceremonial Ewer  

Size: 29cm (Height) x 19cm (Width)
Weight: 1.26kg
Materials: Copper Body, Gold Polish, Silver Polish

About The Tea Pot :

This Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Ceremonial ewer, measures 29 cm in height, 19 cm in width, and weighs 1.26 kg. Made of copper, it is carefully completed with gold and silver polish, giving it a bright, mystical aspect. The ritual teapot is an important vessel used in Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies to offer drinks such as tea, milk, or alcohol as sacred offerings. The handicraft represents the flow of positive energy and the cleaning of the environment.

The ceremonial ewer's design is steeped with Buddhist symbolism. The ewer's handle is designed like a dragon, symbolizing protection and strength, while the spout is formed like a phoenix, representing rebirth and rejuvenation. The elaborate engravings and gold embellishments around the vessel's body depict sacred symbols signifying the Five Dhyani Buddhas and the essence of spiritual offerings. In Buddhist rituals, this kind of vessel is used to pour offerings into sacred receptacles or onto the altar, representing generosity, purity, and the flow of knowledge. The Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Ceremonial Ewer represents the sacredness of the offerings, cleaning the environment and bestowing blessings on the practitioner.

How do you set up your own Buddhist Shrine?

•    Find a clean, quiet, and uncluttered spot
•    Set up an altar table and cover it with an altar cloth that calls to you
•    Place your sacred item at the center

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