Precious Ghau Box
About Our Ritual Item :
A heavily decorated treasure box, hand-carved and definite, is made of full copper and plated with pure gold. This box has wonderful Ashtamangala carvings~symbols of flourishing and prosperity. This gold-plated box will be a significant gift to your companions and friends and family and to yourself.
Introduction To The Ghau Box :
Ghau or Gau are the lovely Tibetan prayer boxes. These Tibetan Ghau or gaus are used to transport magical charms and medicinal plants, as well as a portable shrine for self-protection when traveling. Tibetan Buddhists also wear it, which contains sacred words as potent divine things. These Ghaus look a lot like American wish boxes. This category contains a variety of Tibetan Ghaus.
Size: 3cm (Height) X 8cm(Base)
Weight: 0.126 kg
Materials: Copper body, Gold plated
How to set up your own Buddhist Shrine?
• Find a clean, quiet, and uncluttered spot
• Set up an altar table, cover it with an altar cloth that calls to you
• Place your sacred item at the center