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Gold Buddha Mandala Print | Digital Printing | Wall Art Decor

Gold Buddha Mandala Print | Digital Printing | Wall Art Decor


Regular price $135.00 USD
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Gold Buddha Mandala Print 

About Thangka
Amoghasiddhi is associated with Vajrayana Buddhism and originates in the Tantric Literature of the Charya, Yoga, and Anuttarayoga Tantra classes. The sculptural images generally fall into two groups, either as Buddhas with monastic robes and without ornaments known as nirmanakaya appearance or Buddhas in Bodhisattva Appearance, also known as peaceful appearance, with crowns and ornaments - sambhogakaya appearance. He is most commonly depicted in the set of the Five Symbolic Buddhas.

Introduction to Thangka Prints 

In Tibetan Buddhist practice, mandalas represent the pure and sacred space consecrated by the power of a buddha or other deity. Through concentrated meditation on the mandala, a monk learns information about the deity that is conveyed in the art. Beyond this, he strives to “enter” the mandala, not only invoking the qualities of the deity, but internalizing them himself. A mandala is a representation of the cosmic, the universe, in a circular pattern which leads to a central point. As such, it is a symbol or wholeness, of beginning and end.

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