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Traditionally carved Dakini Drum | Shamanic Ritual Tool

Traditionally carved Dakini Drum | Shamanic Ritual Tool

Regular price $1,785.00 USD
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Tibetan Dhangro Dakini Drum for Meditation

Size: 128 cm(Height) x 24 cm(Width)
Diameter: 48cm
Dhangro Stick Height: 60cm
Stick Width: 27cm
Single Weight: 7.35kg
Stick Weight: 0.06kg
Total Weight: 7.41kg
Material: Wood, Acrylic Color, Cloth Clover
About The Ritual Item :

This 128cm Dakini Drum is a handcrafted Tibetan shamanic instrument suitable for rituals, energy work, and meditation. The hardwood drum with an acrylic color finish and a textile clover ornamentation provide deep, resonating tones that aid in spiritual journeys, healing, and connecting with the divine.

The drum has a wave-like symbol in its core, which represents harmony and fluidity. It is fixed on a strong wooden stand, ensuring stability when used. The drum is played with a curved stick and a nicely carved handle that provides a comfortable grip. The cover material is colorful and intricately designed, with spiritual symbols that add to its artistic worth. The design blends aesthetic appeal and holy symbolism, making it a valuable ceremonial tool.

The enormous 48cm diameter of this drum makes it ideal for shamans, Buddhist practitioners, and energy healers since it produces rich, robust tones that aid meditation, purification rites, and ritual ceremonies. This drum's traditional design and fine craftsmanship make it a one-of-a-kind artifact for holy spaces, altars, or temples, as well as a helpful spiritual tool. The Dakini Drum provides a profoundly transformational experience, whether used for sound healing, shamanic rituals, or meditation.

Introduction To Tibetan Drum:

A Chod drum, integral to the Chod spiritual practice in Tibetan Buddhism, is a unique and symbolic instrument. Also known as a damaru, this small, double-sided hand drum has a narrow waist connecting two drumheads. The drum's shape is often likened to the hourglass, embodying the union of wisdom and compassion. Chod practitioners use the drum's rhythmic beating during ritualistic ceremonies to connect with the sacred energies, facilitating meditation and the realization of emptiness. With its ritualistic role, the Chod drum underscores the synthesis of sound, spirituality, and meditation in Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

How to set up your own Buddhist Shrine?

Find a clean, quiet, and uncluttered spot.
Set up an altar table and cover it with an altar cloth that calls to you
Place your sacred item at the center

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