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Ethically Sourced Buffalo Bone Stamp Tibetan Seal | Handcarved Mahakala Deity

Ethically Sourced Buffalo Bone Stamp Tibetan Seal | Handcarved Mahakala Deity


Regular price $216.00 USD
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Ethically Sourced Buffalo Bone Stamp Tibetan Seal

About our product :

With our Mahakala Crafted Buffalo Bone Stamp, explore the spiritual depth of Tibetan art. This 14cm Tibetan seal, which features the powerful Mahakala, a Tibetan Buddhist symbol of protection, is a monument to moral artistry. It's a piece of spiritual heritage, not just a stamp.

We use buffalo bone that has been sourced ethically and with consideration for the environment in the creation of this stamp. The bone serves as an ideal medium for our artists, who deftly sculpt Mahakala's minute details, evoking the goddess' potent spirit. This procedure guarantees that every stamp is a work of art as well as a useful object.

This Tibetan Seal, which stands 14 cm tall, is perfect for people who appreciate moral craftsmanship and spiritual symbolism. Buddhists, collectors of rare cultural items, and fans of traditional Tibetan carvings will find it appealing. An effective reminder of the rich tapestry of Tibetan spirituality and culture is provided by this Mahakala Bone Stamp.

Introduction To Mahakala :

Mahakala is the guardian god of Mahayana Buddhism and all Tibetan Buddhist schools. He represents various ways, each with its features and characteristics. In some circumstances, he is seen as the emanation of distinct beings, such as Avalokitesvara or Chakrasamvara. The five kleshas (adverse ailments) are transmuted into the five pearls of wisdom, and Mahakala is generally typically represented with a crown of five skulls.

Size: 14cm(Height) x 5cm(Width)
Weight: 0.18kg
Materials: Ethically Sourced Buffalo Bone


How to set up your own Buddhist Shrine?

Find a clean, quiet, and uncluttered spot.
Set up an altar table, and cover it with an altar cloth that calls to you
Place your sacred item (statue, thangka, or a picture of Buddha) at the center

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