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Buddha Amitayus Print | Newari Thangka Art | Wall Hanging Decors

Buddha Amitayus Print | Newari Thangka Art | Wall Hanging Decors

Regular price $135.00 USD
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Buddha Amitayus Print

About Our Print:

Amitayus, also known as "The Buddha of Endless Life," is a sambhogakaya aspect of Amitabha that is associated with longevity. He is typically pictured lounging and carrying a vase of immortality nectar. One of the three eternal gods, Amitayus is one of three immortal gods.

How does Thangka benefit us?

It goes without saying that every detail of a painting has a symbolic meaning. Regardless of your religious affiliation, a thangka can help you on your path to enlightenment, whether you practice Buddhism or have other religious convictions. Thangkas are paintings that depict deities with various iconographic elements and symbolism that encourage meditation on the teachings of the god they depict. Any thangka is intended to aid in the removal of the film of ignorance, which is a significant barrier to the road to enlightenment.

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