24K Gold Plated Mandala | Home Decor Gifts

SKU: 1597TNMandala


Tibetan Copper Mandala Set 

About Our Ritual item :

The Mandala is handcrafted with 24K Gold and Silver Plated. This Tibetan Copper Mandala Set is crafted from solid gold and lovely hand engravings of various symbols. The Mandala Set features extremely well-carved embellishments. 

Introduction To Offering Set :

The word Mandala can be broken into two sections: maṇḍa implies the 'quintessence' or 'center and surroundings,' and la signifies 'grabbing hold of.’ It shows the natural balance of the outer world and the inner mind and can also be part of the daily preliminaries of meditation. It represents a combination of Buddha’s enlightened mind and body and is considered a great power. Mandala offering is a powerful custom practice in Tibetan Buddhism.
Size: 33cm(Height) and 17cm(Base)
Weight: 1.654 kg
How to set up your own Buddhist Shrine?

• Find a clean, quiet, and uncluttered spot
• Set up an altar table and cover it with an altar cloth that calls to you
• Place your sacred item at the center